
Late gets, nails, etc...

Posted by Suteisi ♥ at 7:41 PM
I haven't had a post of "latest gets" in a while because I haven't been spending as much. I've been paying off my credit card, putting money away for Japan and trying to have some kind of a life. Not much has been going on though... During this transition from Summer to Fall, everything seems to slow down around me... Has it been like that for you too?

Well anyway. Flash back to July!

My last set of nails for a while. I had them done just before my birthday and got them removed in August. I decided to take a break from nails because I had been wanting to change my nail color every other day. I figured it couldn't hurt on my wallet at the same time...

Since then, I've been experimenting with different colors, new and old shades! I've been into matte colors more than ones with shines and sparkles. I especially love this shade of pink called "Greenwitch Village" by NYC.

Did the tips by myself, no paper, no stickers, no help. Just me and the brush from the bottle!
I think I've gotten pretty good at it, what do you think?

Back to July. During my summer vacations I went out of town and found some good deals on Oakley and Hurley t-shirts. These guys were my best friends for all of August!

For all of August I didn't spend money of clothes. Which is some kind of miracle (or is it?) for me because I always find myself buying at least one piece of clothing once a month, if it's not twice a month... When came September I was hitching to take wallet out on a small shopping spree, but I wanted to shop ONLY for things I REALLY needed. The flats I had been wearing all summer were giving me their last breaths and since I wear flats at work all year long I had to get me a new pair.

Globo Shoes had a pair exactly like my old ones! Happiness!

And while I was there I took advantage of their amazing sale on Winter boots. I only had 1 pair of boots for all of Winter last year. What the hell was I thinking considering I live in Canada, right? Well I just couldn't find any that I liked in my size. It seems the size I wear is always out when I find a pair of boots I really love!

I found these pairs and didn't hesitate. 60$! I think that's the cheapest I've ever paid for boots, EVER.

I really don't like wearing heels in the snow, and these turn out to be super cute and comfy! All the boots I've had in my life so far have been black, so I thought I'd got for this shade of gray to spice it up a little bit. I'm excited to wear these when the temperatures really get down close to zero celcius.

And then I ordered me a small package from Japan!

I've been wanting Soul Sister magazine since I saw it on Universal Doll and Rii's blog. This is the type of fashion I like the most out of Japan! It's edgy, a little dark, sexy and a little rock at the same time too! Totally love this magazine!! I'm definitely ordering the 2nd issue once it's available on HMV Japan.

And last but not least...

I'd been waiting for SO LOOOONG for Ayu Blu-rays. Her DVDs are all region coded, which means I can only watch them on my computer. Most of them aren't all that great quality of picture and sound either. The joy when I found out she was releasing Blu-rays of some of her past and now future concerts!! MAD HAPPY I WAS!! I order NEXT LEVEL Arena Tour 2009 (right) because that's the show I attended twice while I was in Tokyo. And Coundtown Live 2010-11 because it's the most recent show out to date and I really liked the previews I'd seen.

Let me just say it's preeeetty damn awesome to watch her on my HD TV, and hear her on surround sound.

*Fangirl squeal!*

That's it for now~

Have you gone shopping for Fall/Winter wardrobe yet?


Emily on September 19, 2011 at 11:11 PM said...

Soooooooooo cute I want your nails!


Jenny ♥ on September 20, 2011 at 12:29 AM said...

great nails and gets *_*!!!

I neeeed to go shopping, though..


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