
It's Christmas time!

Posted by Suteisi ♥ at 2:23 PM
Hello everybody~

It's here, it's officially here! Christmas time, that is!

My mother and I decorated around the house a little over the weekend and we got a huge load of snow fall from last night all through this morning. Do you enjoy the snow? I like the month of December, and I like a white Christmas, but generally when the end of January and beginning of February rolls in, I'm so fed up I just wish all of it would disappear! But we all know that's now how it works... Out here we usually have snow until March and sometimes April. After that it warms up. Thank goodness.

So anyway, here are some pictures of the Christmas deco around my house~

Can you see the kitty? Hehehe~

Center piece for the table.

Add VideoMy little tree! It's fiber optic at the tip of the branches. Changes colors, very pretty!

My mother buys a new ornament every year. This is this year's. Cute right? A polar bear running! XD

My driveway after I shoveled today.

The snow in my front yard after I shoveled.

Have you guys started decorating?
Do you get snow where you live? A lot?
Are you usually excited for the holiday period?


Unknown on December 14, 2010 at 3:30 PM said...

Wow! Your decorations are so cool. We've started decorating at my house but we haven't finished yet~~~

Dolly on December 14, 2010 at 8:36 PM said...

Wow, it seems like Christmas is very festive for your family! All my family does is decorate a tree and SOMETIMES put up Christmas lights. :(

Sadly, it doesn't snow where I live though so it doesn't feel like the holiday as much as other parts of the world. T_T

Melody on December 17, 2010 at 8:28 AM said...

I set mine up the other day tehehe. And ahhh, I wish it would snow in Australia during Christmas but unfortunately, our seasons are completely opposite to how America's is. As in, it's now SUMMER. And is super hot !

Shaz said...

It's averaging 35 degrees Celsius here in Western Australia, no white Christmas for me! T_T

I put my Ayupan decorations on my tree, thats as festive as it gets in my house. XD


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