May shopping haul
I found a trainer for my bike for 20$ (sold 200-300$ in store) in a garage sale, had sushi, went out to hang out with my father and little bro, met friends for wings, walked downtown for the evening and had ice cream. On top of that it was super warm and sunny, finally felt like a REAL May day.
I went shopping a week or two ago. I felt the need to buy a few new pieces in hopes it would warm up outside, and it did! Hopefully it can stop raining again...
Shopping haul!!
Judgement Day: May 21, 2011
…"starting in the Pacific Rim at around the 6 p.m. local time hour, in each time zone, there will be a great earthquake, such as has never been in the history of the Earth," he says. The true Christian believers -- he hopes he's one of them -- will be "raptured": They'll fly upward to heaven. And for the rest?
"It's just the horror of horror stories," he says, "and on top of all that, there's no more salvation at that point. And then the Bible says it will be 153 days later that the entire universe and planet Earth will be destroyed forever."
I like how this one has 2012 scratched out.
All images from rightdesired.blogspot.com/
We could speak of this for quite some time. I just thought I'd share this little bit of news if you hadn't heard already. So if you feel the earth shake like never before on May 21st, you'll know you're experiencing "Judgement Day".
I have no doubt the world will end at some point. But I don't think anyone can predict such a thing. But that is just MY opinion.
I have plans to dress up and meet friends for Wings at 7h00 pm on Saturday. So unless there is a massive earthquake, you'll see me out at Wild Wings having a good time.
What do you think of this? Are you a believer? Do you think the end of the world is upon us already? Or it's coming in the next little while?
Thor: God of Thunder
Party Rock Anthem
Gaga goes motorcycle
A while ago Lady Gaga's second studio album cover was released.
What. The. Hell.
As much as I like her and her music, I don't even know if I'll buy the album just because I find the cover so horrendous. And I'm not evene exagerating.
It's like a cheap photoshop job on low budget. Anyone with little graphic/editing knowledge can do this in their basement. I'm so disappointed Gaga. So disappointed.
Coming out on May 23rd, the "normal" edition 14 tracks including Born This Way, Judas and the recently released (this week) Edge of Glory. While the "delux" edition has 17 tracks on the first disc, and 5 remixes on the second disc.
Tracklist: (Deluxe Edition, minus remixes)
1. Marry The Night
2. Born This Way
3. Government Hooker
4. Judas
5. Americano
6. Hair
7. Scheiße
8. Bloody Mary
9. Black Jesus † Amen Fashion
10. Bad Kids
11. Fashion of His Love
12. Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
13. Heavy Metal Lover
14. Electric Chapel
15. The Queen
16. Yoü and I
17. Edge of Glory
While I dislike the covers, I'm excited to hear the new material. I like Born This Way and have had Judas on repeat in my car for the past two weeks.
I think this is the first music video of hers that I genuinly like since Poker Face.
What do you think of Lady Gaga? What about her new album? The covers? Are you liking any of the new songs that have been playing on the radio lately? Have you been to one of her shows?
A walk in the park
Due to the cold weather the trees still looked pretty naked and dead. Many of the trails were closed off because the last of the ice and snow from the hills and mountains had been melting off and flooding some areas of the park.
Still we managed to walk a good 5 km and I took a few pictures.
Souvenirs de Paris
April update
Apparently this year's April for us out here in Ottawa was the coldest April in 75 years! I remember just a few warmer days with sunshine, but most of it was rain and cold winds. How boring. Thus why it was a lazy month.
My nails for April.
With new nailist I mentioned a while ago.
She's fantastic! Definitely sticking with her for a while~
While being bored I practice with the new eyeshadow.
So much glitter this stuff gets EVERYWHERE. But I love it!
I think I'm on the verge of mastering blending two colors~
And of course there was Easter with lots of chocolates!
Shopped a lot to get rid of the boredom??